I grow as people grow
by Wayne Grund
The best advice that Wayne Grund could give an individual starting out in the beauty industry is "Education!" "When you are green you grow; when you are ripe you rot. Stay green forever. Balance your education between mastering your technical skills and business skills." Today Wayne continues building the Grund Education Team and takes existing educators to higher levels — and he calls it "one of the most rewarding things".

How did you get your start in the industry?

My father was a barber; he loved his job. I believe he never saw his career as "work". I first began cutting hair at 13 with my dad in his barbershop. My dad was a tremendous inspiration: he worked very hard, he loved his career and he loved life. Having fun at work and at home was very important to him.

Who inspires you today?

My wife is a tremendous inspiration. She works very hard within our company and at the same time balances family time. Jim Marshall of Marshall Salon Services is also an inspiration, he continues to grow his third generation distributorship as 'family' owned. He is sincerely committed to educating stylists and salon owners. Education drives his business. Education drives all areas of our business, the Grund Hair Care and Visions Salon and Spa. My business partner in Grund Hair Care is also an inspiration. His commitment to excellence, hard work and professionalism motivates me to continually improve my performance.

Your career has encompassed many diverse paths. Did you envision this when you began your career?

Not exactly. My father told me that no matter what career I chose, to just be the best at it. As I have opened new doors there have always been new challenges, but I continue to follow my dad's advice and commit to mastering all areas of my career. If there were no challenges, life would be very complacent.
I love a challenge. The only thing I did envision from the day I attended my first hair show was becoming the best educator that I possibly could. I love to see people grow. As they grow I grow.

Your career takes you all over the world and enables you to meet the famous and the not-so-famous. How do you feel that this has impacted your work?

It has helped me understand that people are people. We need each other, we learn from each other and the world is much bigger than any individual.

What is one thing you would tell an individual contemplating a career in beauty?

They are contemplating a very rewarding career; as stylists, we receive instant gratification in helping people look and "feel" better. The career can also be very rewarding financially. I would also ask them to ask themselves if they are a true 'people person'. They must love meeting new people.