Tom Porter, Malibu C founder and CEO
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Breaking With Tradition

It's time to reinvent one of the most time-honored promotions of the year.

September/October 2012 Find in
September/October 2012

Back to School promotions should involve more than just stocking up on liters of shampoo. In fact, I’ve been on my soapbox for quite a few years about reinventing this time-honored promotion altogether.

By the fi rst of September, clients typically have damaged, dull, dry, and discolored hair caused by a summer’s worth of minerals, chlorine, wind, and UV-ray damage.

Purchasing an economy-size hair product isn’t going to do them much good, at least not in terms of enhancing their hair. While clients are running around getting their kids ready for school, the whole family should be stopping by your salon to receive healthy hair makeovers to really look their best for the upcoming fall season, whatever they may be doing. —Tom Porter, Malibu C founder and CEO

Malibu MakeOver

When your clients’ locks are loaded with chlorine, suffering from excess sun exposure and washed one too many times in hard water, suggesting a clarifying shampoo or richer conditioner to remedy the situation is like offering a hanky to someone who just fell in a mud puddle: It’s a nice gesture, but it won’t do much good.

● The Malibu MakeOver by Malibu C is a two-step, in-salon treatment that addresses all issues associated with end-of-summer hair.

Crystal Gel Normalizer, a mix of freshly activated, antioxidant vitamin C crystals, coaxes hair-hugging pool chemicals, mineral deposits and product buildup to the surface where they can be rinsed away.

Miracle Repair Power Protein Builder, a gentle gel that uses plant proteins to restore damaged areas of the hair, strengthens strands against further harm. “The healthy hair that’s left behind is totally transformed in terms of tone, texture, vibrancy, and health,” says Tom Porter. “This is truly what September should be about—giving clients’ hair a makeover so they can look gorgeous in their new fall looks , have the color of their dreams and be totally in awe of your services.”   

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