In the end, we are always looking to reach the highest standards - Linda Yodice and Scott Cole
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In the end, we are always looking to reach the highest standards

by Linda Yodice and Scott Cole

Artistic Directors for Paul Mitchell the color Linda Yodice and Scott Cole were called “Haircolorists of the Year” for two years in a row. Having worked together over 15 years they surely know what it means to be a team and work together. Here are the secrets of successful - and awarded - collaboration.

How would you describe your working relationship?
Linda: Inspiring. We both are very similar but yet different so we are able to feed off of each other creatively. It's never boring; instead it's a continual work in progress. You are a partner in business, just like in marriage, so you incorporate common relationship pillars such as respect for opinions and space.

What are most enjoyable things about teaching?
Linda: Seeing lights turn on when someone gets it. Their eyes light up and they get taller or puff up like a chicken - it's great! I enjoy the opportunity to empower people with knowledge and self-esteem.
Scott: I second all of what Linda says. Often it is the comments I receive from salon own. ers such as “my life is much better and more successful because of what you taught me”. I was asked the other day which I would rather have, happiness or joy. When I thought about it, I realized it would be joy, as joy is a much deeper happiness that you derive from experience. And I truly have experienced continual joy from teaching.

What advice would you give to someone interested in conducting educational programs for stylists?
Linda: Four points basically: First, know your material inside out, backwards and forwards. Second, know your audience and their expectations; where they are coming from and where they are going to. Third, know your goal - what you are trying to achieve. Last, as much as you have an agenda, expect the unexpected.
Scott: Own it and believe in it. Enjoy the whole experience and communicate that they should not be afraid to mess up; it's about taking chances and being happy during the experience. Also, always remember to be touchable and humble.

What makes a good colorist?
Scott: Being around the right people and doing a lot of coloring. Be prepared to make new “discoveries” and be ready for anything. If you understand cutting, you can then place the color. Some of the best colorists are great cutters.
Linda: A well.trained eye. You can have all the cuts, color and trends at your fingertips, but the eye is truly what makes a great colorist. You need to be able to define a silhouette of a cut, or define a pigment. Learn the dynamics of color, understand the foundational blocks and know the hair or fiber that you're working with. As you develop, practice and expose yourself to visual art, the eye will come.

What is the best advice anyone has ever given you?
Scott: My mother said to make sure that everything I do, I do with quality. Never do it just for the money.
Linda: Run your own race. No matter what other people are doing around you.

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